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Communication Error GCC Ultra GRC76s


New Member
So I recently have been having tons of trouble with my XP computer and decided to try to find a way to switch my plotter to my Windows 10 computer. However it has been a process and a learning experience. I tried usb to parallel first with no luck and finally got one step closer by using a rs232/usb cable as instructed from old posts on here. Everything works flawlessly until it comes time to cut. The plotter starts running as if its about to do something but then stops and the screen reads 'Communication Error'. I tried googling it but didn't have much luck so I thought someone on here might be able to help. The machine is a GCC Ultra GRC76s. I know its super old but it still runs like a champ and I'm not ready to part with it unless I have no other choice.

Including a pic of what the screen does. Maybe I need the drivers? But if I'm correct I don't think Windows 10 supports them. Is this a hopeless case? I'm new to this and don 't know much. I thought Id get away with leaving everything alone and just using the XP for a while until I gained some experience but that's not how my life works. Hahah.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Tim lazurka

Owner/operator sign and striping business
Hi Tammy I have a old Grc 61 same era as yours. I have it on windows 10 with flexi . I believe I have the 25 pin printer cable to connect.. I’ll check in morning. I believe with rs232 it would stop in middle of cut. Now it works perfect.

Tim lazurka

Owner/operator sign and striping business
The big one in plotter. You want to try different plotter configuration. This is what worked on mine. Gcc ultra grc-132s . Mine is I believe a 61 not 76 like yours.


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New Member
I have a similar plotter using the USB to Parallel cable on Flexi and it works fine. Choose the USB port in flexi options. I little trial and error because there so many USB ports listed. But once you find the right one it works fine.