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creating magnetic 4'x8" boards

are you referring to the strips to put on the wall so that you can make magnetic signs that can be put on and pulled off the walls with ease? Just use a roll of magnet and double stick tape to the wall.


New Member
There is actually a magnetic laminate made by Drytac. I myself have not tried it or know of the price, but it exists


Premium Subscriber
At the risk of sounding stoopid, can you elaborate a little more ??

You want a 4' x 8' piece of magnetic sheeting to mount on a wall ?? For what ?? How is this thing going to be used ??


New Member
We've done plenty of magnetic dry erase boards over the years. We cut boards to the size needed, order thin sheet metal from a local metal works place, glue the sheet metal on to the board and allow to dry over night then apply white vinyl lammed with dry erase laminate and finally use metal edging as end caps.


New Member

Sell this for $450 plus graphic & laminate, though is 40" x 96".

Quote $590 plus graphic & laminate for 48" x 96" if client insist the extra 8". See what the client will go for.....