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Crit please on design.


New Member
Please help me with some critique.


  • WWPF.jpg
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Circleville Signs

New Member
Lose the radial gradient in the background. Either lighten the foreground or background - the earth tones are bleeding together visually. What is the application here? Banner?


New Member
do some kerning on the periods so that they fall under the letters. the auto kern just puts them where the letter ends so you need to fix that. maybe a stronger font for the letters? that looks like VAG which doesn't look serious enough for the org it stands for.


Premium Subscriber
The gradient in the elephant is working against you and means nothing. The fading brown box is also working against you and tends to have no meaning. All of your colors are about a 5 on a monochrome scale… except for the black. You made the bottom line of copy black, thus creating a bottom-heavy appearance to your layout.

I would suggest designing this in black and white and adding your colors later… after you study a color wheel a little more.


New Member
on a side note, how cool is it that you live where you have critters like this to protect! we have a soft shelled turtle, woo hoo.....


New Member
Fix the kerning.
Make the main lettering black and the subcopy in orange inside a black panel that extends into the rhino. Only use one animal, lose the one in the background.
Lose the Arial Round and try using all one font.
Better yet, have your 8 year old kid design it.