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Hello all! We are a start-up sign company and looking for customers. Any tips on how to attract new customers? We've been posting on Facebook & reaching out through other forms of social media but just not generating any leads. Any tips are helpful. Thanks in advance!


Working among the Corporate Lizard People
If you have the cash for it, buying branded note pads and dropping them off at local business when you introduce yourself is a great win for people like me. You give me something I can use and you brand is on every page reminding me about you until I need to place an order.

Geneva Olson

Expert Storyteller
build your google page. Take photos of things youve already done. If you don't have customers, start making graphics and taking photos of them. put them on your google page. Use hashtags to send out the bots. immerse yourself in the google page. I say that because so many spam calls we get are from these google "businesses" that "verify your business for you". We work our google page daily. It's easy and free.
Don't buy the google ads or sponsors. just plain ole google. You can increase your visibility in the area by pushing out the hashtags.
We used to go door to door. Not sure the scope of what you provide but if we saw lights out in channel letters, monument signs or cabinets we would stop in and offer services. Fading or peeling vinyl were also good spots to check as long as the area seemed to be maintained. Most people don't look actively as they probably already have a company they use and don't think to look.

Stacey K

I like making signs
Make a Facebook business page and have all your friends and family share it. Before you share it create a bunch of posts of the things you have done. I like to post a couple times a week but I've been busy lately so I haven't been keeping up with it. It helped to grow my business and create awareness that I was in town and open for business. I'm in a small town - not sure if it's relevant for a large town. You may need a different approach.