New Member
Hello yall, I've been doing research on getting a uv-flatbed for our company for a few weeks now and finally felt it better to ask some people with some real know-how instead. We've been looking into bring printing in-house as we're first, the only ones in our field still outsourcing and second, really need to be able to control the quality. With that out of the way let me list some of the complications I've been having trying to settle on a model. Honestly a lot of the stuff I was looking at i.e. the Compress 1200 and the Roland 640-ft but from looking at peoples experiences in hear I felt it best to field it to you all instead.
- We need wide printing range, literally postcard to ideally 4'x4'
- It will be running anywhere from once a week to everyday when we have projects
- Needs white ink, and likely white ink circulation to help deal with the downtime??
- Primary substrates would be acrylic and wood, but we get a lot of unusual request so wider ink type compatibility would be great
- Print height of at least 1.5", ideally 2" or more
- While this goes without saying, we need solid support and training, this is our companies first professional printer, and while I have background in adjacent work we'll still be asking a million questions