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Dual Layer printer recommendations


I'm looking to outsource some prints, with different graphics on each side. They will need to be opaque, to avoid any bleed through from one side to the next, and they need to be contour cut and masked. In theory, I could plot and mask them in house, but why bother if I'm already paying someone else. Anybody have a vendor they use for this, or any on the site?


Mark Snelling - Hasco Graphics
I'm looking to outsource some prints, with different graphics on each side. They will need to be opaque, to avoid any bleed through from one side to the next, and they need to be contour cut and masked. In theory, I could plot and mask them in house, but why bother if I'm already paying someone else. Anybody have a vendor they use for this, or any on the site?
are you looking to do this with an adhesive? I've got a two part solution where you can print on a clear and print on an opaque then laminate them together on a laminator...from there you can plot/mask/whatever and then apply to a window.


We do this all day long, color-white-color or color-white-black-white-color. If you want to send me a me the file I am happy to quote it for you. We use a mimaki ucjv300.
I just based my quote off of signs365's pricing, but if the job pans out I may just take you up on that.
are you looking to do this with an adhesive? I've got a two part solution where you can print on a clear and print on an opaque then laminate them together on a laminator...from there you can plot/mask/whatever and then apply to a window.
I mean, I've got clear films and white films I can bang my head against trying to register, I'd just rather avoid the hassle and have someone else handle it. Only issue with going through signs365 is the apparent lack of contour cutting.