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Falcon outdoor 48 help


New Member
I am having problems getting my printer to print. I ran out of ink in 1 of my cartridges and my printer stoped printing the job it was on. I had to turn off printer to change cartridge, and ever since then it won't print my jobs. It sends the job to be ripped but never prints. Any help out there?


New Member
Sounds like your computer reassigned your IP address that your printer was using.

In your PC “Start” menu choose “Run”
This will open up the “Run” box.
Type “cmd” and enter
This will open up a dialog box.

Type “ping” a space and then your IP address OF YOUR PRINTER (i.e. “ping”)
For more information: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/300986

It should report back something like “pinging with 32 bits of data” and then report back the status with “Reply from 32 bits TTL= 60” IF the connection is good.

IF the connection is BAD, OR the address is wrong it will report back something like “timed out”

If it pings, then disconnect your printer internet connection and ping it again.
If it still pings while disconnected then something else has the same IP address of your printer.


New Member
Bay, Printer does nothing at all after rip. Using Flexi 8.0. One other thing when I turn the printer on, the data kight flashs like it is receiving data from a rip. It will do for about 30 sec. and the print head will a few times then the light goes out.