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FC7000 suddenly acting up - not cutting to depth


New Member
My plotter started acting up the other day. I have a call in to Graphtec but figured I'd see if anyone here can help me out. The machine has started to not cut the material to the correct depth on the vinyl. Some places it cuts perfect, others it just glides across the vinyl and makes an impression on the material with no penetration and in other spots it goes through the material and backing paper. I have tried adjusting the force several times but it either does this or cuts through everything. I have installed new blades, played with the blade depth, but the results are still the same. I even tried using different materials but the results are the same. At this point I am down until this is fixed.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?



DIY Printer Fixing Guide
Check the cut protection strip that runs along the length of the machine right underneath where the blade moves back and forth. If you have big grooves cut into the strip it can cause issues like this. Other than that it could be the solenoid is failing and Graphtec doesn't carry parts for that machine any more.


New Member
Check the cut protection strip that runs along the length of the machine right underneath where the blade moves back and forth. If you have big grooves cut into the strip it can cause issues like this. Other than that it could be the solenoid is failing and Graphtec doesn't carry parts for that machine any more.

Yeah, there are grooves there. What can I do about it?


DIY Printer Fixing Guide
It looks like Graphtec still carries the maintenance parts for that machine. Here is a link to that part in their online store: Cut Strip FC7000. Temporarily you can cover the strip with electrical tape and it may run well for a little while.


New Member
Was able to get a new one FedEx'd from signwarehouse.com for way less than Graphtec would charge to send it. Should be back in business tomorrow. Thanks


Premium Subscriber
Juat to add to the conversation. I had a similar problem and after replacing the cutting strip the problem was still there. Learned that after citing so much material little bits and pieces got into the pen which caused the blade to get sick when rotating. Cleaning out the blade holder and blade and lubbing with oil fixed the problem Fyi.


New Member
Juat to add to the conversation. I had a similar problem and after replacing the cutting strip the problem was still there. Learned that after citing so much material little bits and pieces got into the pen which caused the blade to get sick when rotating. Cleaning out the blade holder and blade and lubbing with oil fixed the problem Fyi.
I will have to try that. After replacing the cutting strip everything was ok for several days and now it is doing the same thing.

Sign Works

New Member
My Graphtec FC-4100 acted up once like what you are describing, the culprit was a tiny piece of lint inside the blade holder. I would inspect the blade holder thoroughly, shoot I needed reading glasses, a magnifying glass and direct sunlight to actually see the tiny piece of lint causing mine to malfunction. A blast from an air can cured the problem and it's been functioning perfectly ever since.

How in the world do you guys run your cutting blade into the cutter protection strip? My Graphtec FC-4100 has been in daily use for over 15 years now and the blade has not touched the cutter protection strip ever, not even once. Probably employees, another reason I have none.


New Member
My Graphtec FC-4100 acted up once like what you are describing, the culprit was a tiny piece of lint inside the blade holder. I would inspect the blade holder thoroughly, shoot I needed reading glasses, a magnifying glass and direct sunlight to actually see the tiny piece of lint causing mine to malfunction. A blast from an air can cured the problem and it's been functioning perfectly ever since.

How in the world do you guys run your cutting blade into the cutter protection strip? My Graphtec FC-4100 has been in daily use for over 15 years now and the blade has not touched the cutter protection strip ever, not even once. Probably employees, another reason I have none.

That seems to have done the trick! She's working well this am. In the meantime, i bought a back-up machine in case anything like this ever happens again. Picked up a used Sign Jet Pro that cuts great. No more down-time for me!