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FC8600 strange noise when perf cutting. Need help!


New Member
Hello, i have 2 FC8600s. When cutting perf one of the two makes a strange noise like the blade holder hits the bottom metal with force. Everything else works perfectly with extreme accuracy. Only when cutting perf this happens. Both cutters have the exact same settings on perf cutting.
I uploaded two videos. One of the Non noise FC8600 and one with the noise.

The normal non noisy cutter

The strange noisy cutter

Has anyone encountered something like this or a some technician that knows what may be the cause?


New Member
I would contact Graphtec Tech Support. They are pretty good at responding by email on support. Might take them a few days, but the usually answer.

Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
Have you tried resetting the factory defaults on the noisy plotter? (Hold down the up arrow when you power on the plotter)
Good luck


Active Member
Sounds to me like you just have the pressure set higher on the second machine...the noise is the blade holder hitting the cutting strip, is it not?

personally I'd turn off line patterns, cut it like you would a kiss cut but with the perf blade / condition. We get much better cuts without it pouncing up and down


New Member
Sounds to me like you just have the pressure set higher on the second machine...the noise is the blade holder hitting the cutting strip, is it not?

personally I'd turn off line patterns, cut it like you would a kiss cut but with the perf blade / condition. We get much better cuts without it pouncing up and down
I tried that and it works, but I think the small tabs of perf cut keep the material in place better. When the pinch rollers pass above the stickers that are already cut, they may detach from the background