Hello. We recently installed Flexi 12, just did the one month subscription at this time to see if we can learn it. We are going from a very old version of Gerber Omega, so it is a lot to get used to. One thing we do a lot is borders on signs. We just got off the phone with tech support, where they were able to help with several issues, but putting a border on a sign seemed to be a bit of a problem. The guy was persistent and finally found a way to do it, but he went through about 15 steps to get there. This does not seem feasible or user friendly..... Does anyone who has been using Flexi software for a while know how to quickly put a border on a sign? In Omega, we could go to the outline option, set the number of outlines and the width, and *done*. Maybe we should have just upgraded to the newest Omega program, but we've heard such great things about Flexi that we wanted to give it a try.