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Flexi Training

Mr. T

New Member
We have a new employee starting in a few weeks. Any advice on Flexi training he can do at home before he starts?


Man who touches printers inappropriately.
I mean, if it's not required, it can be unpaid. However, it required/expected, then the training must be paid. At least in the US.

Most Flexi 'training' is step-by-step videos and some webinars. Just set them up on a trial or on a main account and let them follow along to the videos. If they don't have a copy to use while training, good luck retaining anything.


I Drink And I Know Things
Flexi is a very strong program but easy to use.
Two hours of watching someone rip and print different styles of of jobs (decsls, posters, signs, window graphics) they will adapt quickly.


Owner, Designer & Installer
Design-wise, there's enough on YouTube that they should become VERY comfortable after a few hours. Learning printing, well.... that's got to be in-house and overlooking someone else doing the printing. Understanding what profiles to use with what material or what job, how to color manage a job that needs more than the usual in the pre-flight and output end...that takes learning from how your shop performs and utilizes it's equipment. It's easier to teach someone how to use FlexiSign to design AND print, than have to show them how to use a design program and then how to set it up for print using another RIP. Hopefully they know a little Illustrator, so it won't make it that difficult.