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HELP: Odd print size issue with HP L25500 and PosterShop 10


New Member
So I'm hoping someone has run across this weird little glitch before because its driving me nuts. We are running HP L25500 printers with PosterShop

So we printed and wrapped a big 40' truck several months ago. The truck was damaged so it came back for a replacement panel. We opened up the exact same file as before, RIPed it exactly the same as before, same media, same printer... same everything. This time; however the scale of the print is off. The replacement panel (103" tall) is simply not the same size and will not line up correctly and I am not talking a little bit here.

We have had this happen multiple times over different vehicles. If we leave the files in the RIP and just reprint a section then we are fine but if we bring the file back in from archive then the size is wonky. Any ideas on what is going on here? We should be able to reprint whenever we need it but this is creating a situation in which I have to print and reprint just so I can figure out the correct size... Augh!