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Hey All!


New Member
Not quite a new member as I have just been lurking around and viewing some great input on this forum. I thought maybe it's time to introduce myself...

My background in the signage industry started nearly 30 years ago in production/installation. I stepped out in account management for about 14 months a couple years back to work for a company that got gobbled up if ya will, now back at the shop I have been at since 2005 as GM. What has brought me to this point of introduction is something that happened with Clear Glass Apeel when we came back from the weekend break. Hoping someone has some input on this weird one.

I installed some samples in the showroom 8 or so months ago on the interior glass with water of course for the micro-suction to activate smoothly. It has been solid since, along with translucent version above and opaque below. All water was squeegeed out at time of installation. As you can see in the picture, the space between is where the clear version was before we found on the ground and now left behind is a syrupy clear fluid that has yet to dry. I did go around asking if someone removed then attempted to reapply with a solution other than water. All responses were no. Though my gut says that would have been the answer. I do understand this is a one year rated media, though I wouldn't have expected the clear to fall off so abruptly while opaque and translucent are doing just fine. Anyone out there have thoughts or ideas on this?
All help is much appreciated!


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I'm here for Educational Purposes
Yikes! We use Glass Apeel a lot, some has been up for a few years, never had this happen. Go with your gut....

and welcome to the forum :)


Try to recreate the gut theory.
Alternate theory, somebody parked a cyber truck out front over the weekend, which caused way more sun to beam on that window. Only clear failed because the other two stopped some amount of UV from hitting the micro suction cups. Then again, that would require these to be installed second surface, which I can't say for sure which side they're on.

Welcome to the forum! What sort of installation were you doing at your company? All prints, or some electrical mixed in?


New Member
Try to recreate the gut theory.
Alternate theory, somebody parked a cyber truck out front over the weekend, which caused way more sun to beam on that window. Only clear failed because the other two stopped some amount of UV from hitting the micro suction cups. Then again, that would require these to be installed second surface, which I can't say for sure which side they're on.

Welcome to the forum! What sort of installation were you doing at your company? All prints, or some electrical mixed in?
Hey JBurton, great alternate theory! They were all subsurface applied so all 3 versions have micro suction exposed to UV coming in from outside. Otherwise that could have been a possible culprit for sure.

Thank you for the welcome to the forum!

As far as what types of installs I "used to do", (Lol, I still get pulled in for difficult jobs/training/plus I like to still get in the trenches for multiple reasons), full vehicle wraps, dimensional, window film, post and panel, monument, ran Colex, Gravograph...On and on, easier to say most signage aside electrical.


Hey JBurton, great alternate theory! They were all subsurface applied so all 3 versions have micro suction exposed to UV coming in from outside. Otherwise that could have been a possible culprit for sure.

Thank you for the welcome to the forum!

As far as what types of installs I "used to do", (Lol, I still get pulled in for difficult jobs/training/plus I like to still get in the trenches for multiple reasons), full vehicle wraps, dimensional, window film, post and panel, monument, ran Colex, Gravograph...On and on, easier to say most signage aside electrical.
Yeah, being escalated to production manager was more of a, 'here's more responsibility, you'll still need to produce stuff and go out in the most inclimate days for some reason' kinda promotion for me too. We build it all here, our print side is just to supplement fabricated signage, though slowly my sales guys are realizing banners make a killing...


New Member
That's a 10-4 on all you said, more responsibility for sure. I will say being able to walk the walk, get in trenches with the team and keeping current/fresh in the craft pays off in respect from the teams view.

Banners are definitely a good source of revenue when you just crank them out!