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Holy nighmare! Cleaning & greasing rails?


New Member
ok, so I have my special Mutoh KY lube (coincidence? I think not) and I'm cleaning the rails of my 1614 VJ. Is it humanly possible to get to the lower rear rail? I mean REALLY! Some of you have to be doing this once a month. I can't reach in there to clean it properly and I just can't wait until I have to lube it! ARGH


New Member
I use a rubber band to attach small pieces of a lint-free cloth to the round end of a large paper-clip bent to get in there.


New Member
If you uses it 6-8 hours a day, it's recommended once a month. It's on their site. Hopefully you don't hear any squeaking noises yet because I wouldn't want to be the one changing those bearings!

Thanks Caleb, I'll give it a try. I imagine you're applying the grease the same way.
Yes. I've been using Mobile-1 synthetic grease. Seems to be working...


New Member
All lubed. Thanks again, the paperclip worked great. i can't believe they just point an arrow with no explanation on how to get in there.. ohh wait.. no it doesn't surprise me.