I'm not from Canada but where I come from I don't pay for ink
my customers pay that bill.
I'm shocked at the prices you pay/.
I don't buy HP ink but I know our 800ml Canon/Oce ink has gone up from $250 to $280 just this year.
Roland Eco-Sol is now up to $147 / 440ml.
I hope our dollar turns around one of these days...not that the prices will ever reflect that though.
That's a good deal! I've considered switching to 3rd party ink on our Rolands but we don't print enough to justify the risk. As much as it sucks to see the price keep rising it's amazing how much printing you can get done with a full cartridge/bag. I re-order when we get to 10% usually and I'll still print for up to a couple of weeks before having to switch them out.