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HP Latex 335 prints spotty


New Member
I have a latex 335 that we have been using for years with no problems and now for some reason all of a sudden on this briteline vinyl we have been using for years with the same profile as always our prints are coming out as shown in the attached image. I did a test print and it seems to be coming out fine. I do have an expired light cyan and light magenta that I am waiting to come in to replace. Would this be due to the ink or a printhead issue? Like I said we have used this vinyl and profile for years with no problems so didn't think it would be something with that.


New Member
That looks like bad vinyl with plasticizer migration to the surface going on. Wipe an area off with alcohol and then do a print over that area. If the ink coalescing is gone then you will know. If you just received that roll then make them replace it. Possibly could be an optimizer printhead issue if it also happens on other media.