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HP Latex 792 ink (L260) versus Latex 831 ink (L300 series) - question

Ian Stewart-Koster

Older Greyer Brushie
This question may be sacreligious to some, but it's still a question to me... and the reason I'm asking here will become plain in a moment.
I have about 23 unopened original 792 ink cartridges, and about 8 partly used ones, 3/4 full.
I had stocked up on them three to four years ago when I heard they were to be discontinued.
I now have a L360 printer, which is lovely, and of course uses the optimiser, and a different colour pairing in the heads.
But I still have all those inks from the L260. (and 2 new head cleaning carts, and 8 unopened heads etc)

A friend who also has a 360 told me he's been using all his old stock of 792 inks in the 360, by adding a new chip from China ex Aliexpress/Alibaba.
He said the only difference is the new Chinese chips can't tell you the ink level, so when you're getting low, it's best to weigh the cartridges, or stop sooner than you'd expect.
Other than that' he says he's been doing it for three years with no ill effects - he just has to buy the optimiser, new, but he insists the inks are effectively the same colour and cure at the same temperature, and they've not wrecked his machine - being all genuine HP ink - albeit a bit older - and not remanufactured. He's put about 50 through, and wanted to buy my spares.

I was wondering if anyone else had done that, and didn't mind admitting to it...
It's almost a kind of question like 'what if I use 831-A ink in my machine which previously used 831-C inks?'... are the A, B,C differtences seriously different chemicals, or just an electronic tag to try and maintain buyer loyalty?

Thanks for any thoughts


Problem Solver
The only difference between 831ABC etc. is localization. Price and different market. Otherwise it's the same but you can only use one type.

Ian Stewart-Koster

Older Greyer Brushie
The only difference between 831ABC etc. is localization. Price and different market. Otherwise it's the same but you can only use one type.
Thanks for the reply - if there's no chemical difference, then it's only a software hiccup is it, that won't allow A, B & C to be used?