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HP Latex Plus Cutter stops after a few lines


New Member
We have a HP Latex 315 and a HP Plus Cutter. I'm trying to cut a really simple job, Just some black text cut to shape. printed from Onyx Go, and then cutting the letter shapes. Everything prints as normal, and looks fine on screen in Cut Server. However, when I perform the cut, the cutter does half of the first letter and then just stops. No error message, nothing obviously wrong, but it just stops.

I've tried rotating the printed sheet and the cut on Cut Server, but exactly the same thing happens. I've tried remaking the PDF and printing it afresh, and then running the new file through the cutter, but exactly the same thing. It cuts the same small bit every time then stops.

Has anyone else ever seen this, and do you have any suggestions on how to fix it?


New Member
Thanks for the reply. I've checked and Panelling is definitely set to 'Off'. I've just tried another file which we have run many times in the past, and that is having the same problem, so it's definitely not down to the file. We did install an update to the printer in Onyx recently, so I wonder if it is to do with that. Seems odd that no one else is having this issue though.


New Member
Just in case anyone else is having this issue, we got a reply from Onyx support, saying:

"I assume you are using Onyx24. We are currently looking a similar issue you describe on Summa

So I suggest you use version 22.5.1 for the moment until we have the summa fix"

The HP Latex Cutter is basically a rebadged Summa, so that would make sense. It is a known issue and will hopefully be fixed soon. For the moment, we've rolled back to version 22.5.1.