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Hp Latex R2000 Printing on SV480mC suggestions


New Member
Hello, the shop I work for is attempting to switch from printing complex vehicle wraps (i.e. corners and crevasses) on 180mc with our Oce Colorado to 480mc on our HP R2000 (trying to get the prints to be more flexible). I've been running into a ton of issues with color matching and ink gamut. I've tried everything I can think of like increasing the pass count and dpi, white under floods, custom media profiles, even switching back to the Colorado. Unfortunately, nothing helps. The spot colors are way off and there is a graininess to all of our images. I'm assuming the issue lies in the fact that the HP cannot saturate the substrate enough even at 600dpi but why does the issue still persist on the Colorado which prints at 800 and higher? I need help. We have just purchased an Epson s80600 and I know solvent based ink will most likely solve the problem but that won't be installed for a few weeks. Does anyone have any prior experience with running this material on an Hp and if so, do you have any tips? (I'm using onyx 2022 btw). Thanks.


New Member
Maybe show some pictures about the things. Is it LX480mc precisely? Did you use the 3M profile for it?
I think you may have answered my question already, we are printing on the version of 480 designated for solvent and not latex ink, but can you let me know how i can get ahold of the 480 profile for the hp?


New Member


Problem Solver
If it's the wrong type, don't even try to improve it. You are just wasting time because of the wrong coating.
I mean.... you should know already. Just search from the media locator.
Also - make sure that the printheads are aligned on the R2000. Grain in solid area fills increases significantly when heads are not properly aligned.


New Member
If it's the wrong type, don't even try to improve it. You are just wasting time because of the wrong coating.
I mean.... you should know already. Just search from the media locator.
Lol hey man it's my first post, haven't worked with this machine for very long so I'd appreciate some leniency... but thank you anyways for helping me out :peace!:


New Member
Also - make sure that the printheads are aligned on the R2000. Grain in solid area fills increases significantly when heads are not properly aligned.
I ran a printhead alignment and u r right that's normally the solution, but I think my manager just has me running the wrong material haha