Sometimes it's really hard to concentrate and when that happens.... my wife just smacks me across the back of the head and says.....
What the
<* and
%(*@!~<") &^#@**_-%$ are you doing ??
This brings me back down to earth instantly [
and with a slight headache]and I start working again.... or at least it appears that way........... :Sleeping:
Actually, when I feel like this.... it seems to be when we're either very busy or very slow..... I'm easily distracted and then nothing gets done.... the way it should be. The guys are always busy, but I'm usually scattered either for the good or the worse, but not completely there. Last time this happened was in 1937.....
no that was a different problem...... it must've been during the late 50's ducking under a desk in art class. During the Cuban missile crises, I was distracted, but....... chit, that was another reason, too. I guess it didn't happen until the 70's and those stupid walking suits. Yeah, that's the ticket. Musta been that was the last time. Nope, I remember some guy in the 90's that couldn't form a sentence using the word '
IS'. Yep, I was kinda taken back at that one for a while. Now that I think of it.... it happened again when around 2008 and dang it.... it was those nimrods again playing with my head when I got distracted again. I do believe it's something they put in the water. Yep, I like that..... and am sticking to it. It's not my fault at all, but I'm being bombarded with radio active frequencies from a building across the street. I can actually see the radio waves and feel them everytime I stand in my vestibule.
DUCK.... here comes another one.......
:scream: Jeremy.... make sure those prints don't get tarnished with any frequency juice.