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Installing Omega on new computer. Mac?


New Member
Hi everyone,

Currently I am running my Gerber Omega 6.5 on a windows 7 laptop computer. Unfortunatly the computer is starting to get really slow and looks like it is time to upgrade. Obviously I need to get a computer compatible to run Omega 6.5 but I had a few questions.

1) Can Omega be run on Mac or does it have to be Windows?

2) I now have Omega 2 softwares (just got another one with a new printer and plotter I bought). My original 6.5 and my new one is 7.0. The 6.5 came with a disc that is in the computer while running composer, but the 7.0 I was told all I need is the security key. Did Gerber go away from the disc? and can I install Omega online and just need to the security key? If so how do I find which correct software to download?

Any input helps as I do not know much. I have been delaying switching computers because I didn't want to mess anything up, but it looks like the time have come to switch


Johnny Best

Active Member
If you go with a Mac you will have to run Parallels software. Might be a lot better just to get a new Windows computer. Gerber has never played good with Apple products.


New Member
If you go with a Mac you will have to run Parallels software. Might be a lot better just to get a new Windows computer. Gerber has never played good with Apple products.
Sounds good.

Do you know, if I get 2 new computers do I just download Gerber omega from the internet and just plug in the security code and I'm good to go? What do I do with the hardware disk on my 6.5?

Johnny Best

Active Member
You are going to have to study jp on that question concerning the software. If you transfer or copy your one hardrive to the newer computer harddriveit it should take care of the transfer.

Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
You'll want to do a clean install on the new computer. Start the 7.0 install and it will load the dongle driver then want to restart the PC. Plug in the dongle and restart the install. It will see the dongle and ask for a password for the upgrade. It should be in an envelope with the install thumb drive.
Good luck.