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Is there a bug in the amount of characters allowed in signature field?


New Member
I was hoping to be able to update my signature on here. But I noticed I'm only allowed maybe 9-10 characters before it's past the limit. I see others with a lot more characters than that. Can anyone else update their signature longer than 10 characters?


I tried on a couple different browsers with the same results.
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No idea..... mine is way longer but I have not changed it in years. I did find that you can use ASCII in your custom title.


New Member
Did you click save?
I tried, it let me type a whole mess, then it told me I was 49 characters too long and 5 lines too long.
That's exactly what happens with me! Maybe it's my browser. I'll go check with another one.
No idea..... mine is way longer but I have not changed it in years. I did find that you can use ASCII in your custom title.
I did try using BBCode at first. The strange character limit kept on.


That's exactly what happens with me! Maybe it's my browser. I'll go check with another one.

I did try using BBCode at first. The strange character limit kept on.
This is pretty funny at the moment, your signature presumably is aiming to have your web address hyperlinked or following 'visit us', instead, the report button is the only thing near visit us...