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Is this a clean print head??


New Member
Hi, I am looking for a new print head for my printer and I saw this one. They cannot run tests on it because the printer was damaged but sent me pictures of the print head. Does it look clean with no dead pixels to you all? Thank you


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Active Member
In general if the printer isn't running and circulating ink, the head is probably clogged and dead.

Edit...didn't see that it was a Gerber Edge.
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Active Member
you can't judge the condition of a thermal transfer print head visually.
you need to install & do a test print. a solid block of black or whatever colof
sometimes you can see physical damage ( improper cleaning, etc) but lack of physical damage doesn't guarantee a good head

changing a gerber edge head requires careful alignment as well as a resistance measurement & volage adjustment


New Member
In general if the printer isn't running and circulating ink, the head is probably clogged and dead.

Edit...didn't see that it was a Gerber Edge.
It was for a gerber edge and then the body and some of the printer got damaged on a shipment. The place who has it does not have the software or materials to run a print but it does not works. But it does power up. I am in need of a print head. Should I take a change on this print head and buy it?


New Member
It was for a gerber edge and then the body and some of the printer got damaged on a shipment. The place who has it does not have the software or materials to run a print but it does not works. But it does power up. I am in need of a print head. Should I take a change on this print head and buy it?
What do you think. I am 17

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
I have been running Edge printers since 1998, know lots of other Edge owners, and have never heard of anyone successfully changing out a printhead. It is a highly technical thing to do. So unless you are technically inclined and have the tools and the step by step directions on how to do it, you SHOULD NOT buy an Edge for parts and expect to get acceptable results. You would be much better off to purchase a used unit that can be demonstrated to be working than to waste your time and money on what you propose to do.


New Member
I think that you can take the risk and buy the printhead(if the price is not high), then you can install the printhead with some help, you will need a multimeter and the Voltage Values to modifiy the Voltage for your Printhead. I have installed 2 printheads and the printers works perfect yet.................


Active Member
i agree with fred. i have purchased all my equipment used.
as a rule, i love "the tech said it can't be repaired"
my bigger concern is, the gerber edge head is ceramic. it is fragile, like your grandmother's christmas ornaments. there is a real chance of destroying the head in normal shipping.
since the printer was damaged, and they did mot use one of those shipping brackets to protect the head, damage is likely.

remember, alot of head damage can't be seen visually. you won't know until it prints.

give it a try, but go into it with both eyes open


Rap Master
You can run test prints from the menu on the front of the printer, no need to install the software.