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Korographics VS Phototex


New Member
Hi all, so I am working on a project. It is about 1100 sqft of wall covering. I will put up some pics when we are done.

Primary question, is Korographics simply in another league than using phototex? I realize one requires a professional wallpaper installer, and the other is adhesive backed.
Customer has spec'd out Korographics Abaco Beach, so that's what they are getting for this job.

However, I was just curious about everyone's opinion of comparing the two products. I have limited experience with both.

The reason for the question, is I sent some samples our of state to the client printed on Phototex, since I had it in stock. She approved the colors, and I got to thinking maybe she liked that product as well. Then I wondered if Phototex might fail in the long wrong.

Anyway I am rambling, so any feedback would be good.


New Member
Have you seen the new Phototex in the New Fellers catalog? 25% stronger, so it is very attractive. Problem for this job, is it is a fancy architect stuck on that one Koro product, so no escaping that. However, I wanted to find out for a job this size, if Phototex is a viable long term indoor solution, and it sounds like you give it a thumbs up!

BTW, are you saying because this job is so small it is better with phototex, or because it is a little too much?

Letterbox Mike

New Member
Depends on how long it needs to last. Phototex is great for a self adhesive product, but I'm not a huge fan of selling it for a long term permanent project. For that we use Korographics.

Haven't tried the new Phototex yet but planning to soon.

If you are solvent printing Korographics I would plan to clear coat it with liquid laminate like ClearShield. Its not absolutely necessary but its not a bad idea. Because of the texture it's prone to scratching and abrasion damage when handling and installation (and once it's on the wall). Liquid lam helps a lot. We switched to UV printing it and the durability is significantly better and it doesn't need the liquid lam.

But other than being finicky if solvent printed, Korographics is awesome. And don't think you can't solvent print it, we've successfully done many many big jobs with it and solvent ink, it's just a bit less work if you can UV print it.
Comparing Phototex with Korographics is the proverbial apples to oranges comparison. Koro is a true wallpaper product with various (highly or lightly) textured surfaces, and Phototex is adhesive-backed fabric.


New Member
Depends on how long it needs to last. Phototex is great for a self adhesive product, but I'm not a huge fan of selling it for a long term permanent project. For that we use Korographics.

Haven't tried the new Phototex yet but planning to soon.

If you are solvent printing Korographics I would plan to clear coat it with liquid laminate like ClearShield. Its not absolutely necessary but its not a bad idea. Because of the texture it's prone to scratching and abrasion damage when handling and installation (and once it's on the wall). Liquid lam helps a lot. We switched to UV printing it and the durability is significantly better and it doesn't need the liquid lam.

But other than being finicky if solvent printed, Korographics is awesome. And don't think you can't solvent print it, we've successfully done many many big jobs with it and solvent ink, it's just a bit less work if you can UV print it.
OK, so I ordered 4 rolls of Abaco Beach Finish, should be here Friday. I am printing on Latex Printer, you have any success with that ink, without lamination?

Letterbox Mike

New Member
I've never run it on a latex printer (we don't have one) so I can't say. I can say when solvent printing it it can be sensitive to heat, so my gut tells me a latex machine may cause some issues there, but I'm not sure. Experiment with it a lot before you start running a paying job would be my advise, so you don't get backed into a corner...

If you're not profiling it yourself, I'd recommend a good matte or satin canvas profile as a starting point, the Korographics is constructed fairly similar to canvas. That or a good matte banner profile.


Merchant Member
The korographics will be great either UV or Latex. Latex wouldnt have some of the UV stink that certain printers have...our UV Vutek can really reek of it initially. Mike is right that Solvent printed could be scratched while being installed. Glassed out is another choice as well and can be laminated with a good cold lamination.


New Member
Not to hijack the thread but have any of you printed on basic wet strength poster paper and hung like regular wall paper?
Hello, So I am no expert on Korographics, but we do now have the Photo Tex (EX) which is now 50% stronger for those textured surfaces, outdoor walls, ..... So I am happy to send a free sample anytime, so you can test surfaces that your not sure the current Photo Tex will remain stuck too due to the surface in question. walterjr@phototexgroup.com


New Member
Well finishing up printing on two 180ft rolls of Abaco Korographics with the HP Latex Printer. Although I saw a little bit of heat effect on the material, it was so minimal, installation will not be a problem. I'll post some pics tomorrow after installation.

Thanks everyone.