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LED backlit Boat Name

I am interested in starting this new project on my own boat and I hope to pick up business from it.
I am not sure what plastic material to use, and how to light the lettering so it is even and will create a glow behind the name, which will have 1.5" standoffs.

If you look at the back side of the lettering it appears that there are either 2 leds that light each word or 2 strings of leds that are recessed into the back of each word.

thank you for your input


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New Member
If you look at the last picture, it looks like you can see the LED's behind letter, and I'd say there are strings of LED's, not just a few. My guess would be they follow the outline of the lettering, set back from the edge 1/2 and inch or so.

It does appear to produce a nice effect!


New Member
It also looks like it has an "edge-band" around each letter. Please keep posting what you figure out...I really like it.
well i have made more halo letter signs than i can remember but never for a boat..but i would imagine the techniques involved would be somewhat similar but i would definitely have a few concerns.

for a halo sign usually what is done is the raised letters are routed out of acrylic (lets just say 3/4" for our example purposes) and for this example we would only route 1/2" through the material and then we would route a 1/4" flange around the raised letters (essentially an outline).

then we would route the shape of the letters out of aluminum, or some other opaque substrate. and then from the backside we push through the letters and secure with adhesive or mechanical fasteners utilizing the flange.

you can decorate the face of the letters with your choice of vinyl obviously translucent if you want the light to shine through the faces but in most cases we use regular vinyl on the faces so that light just shines out the edges creating the 'halo'. usually we cover the backside with diffuser film to eliminate any bright areas to create an even glow.

so using this technique my big concern would obviously be cutting the shape through the hull of the boat it could definitely be done but in my opinion would be ridiculous, even though it is bad luck to change the name of a boat a future owner may want to and this would make it a fairly major repair.

so i think the way i would modify this would be to create a script type name for the boat where all of the letters were connected. and then route that out of acrylic. then i would flip it over and route a channel out of the backside in which i would enclose a strip of leds and then drill a single hole through the hull of the boat to thread the wires through for power and then adhere the letters to the boat.

definitely doable. or you could also cut do it in two pieces where you cut the channel or the bottom piece but do not cut all the way through the material say 3/4 of the way through whatever thickness creating a 'U' channel and then route another piece and adhere it to the top so that you could encase your strip of led's inside.


New Member
LED's are tricky. To get the proper effect sometimes you have to get several brands, attach them with scotch tape and test them in a darkened area by adding or subtracting til you achieve the desired effect.

There is a company that sells strings of of LEDs (buy it by the foot) made for attaching to motorcycles and the like and they allegedly need no extra protection from the elements. I would guess that would be what you need for a boat that is exposed to the elements w/o having to encase them.

I ran into the seller at a show a few years back and I believe they have a You Tube vid.

Sorry, do not recall their name.
that is the style i am referring to signage.

and yes LEDs have their challenges and for most cases signs i think there are much bettter solutions but for this instance led would be the only way to go. i know denco used to offer the led 'ropes' that could be added on to but there are many options


New Member
Search eBay for "Reel LED" and you will find a 5 meter roll of tape LED's. You can cut them ever 3 LED's They operate off of 12 volts DC.

They do have RGB versions that with the controller will change colors.

You could back route a groove in the back and fill it with 2 part clear epoxy.

I am very interested in this project...
