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Light table ideas


New Member

Anyone that has a light table , would you be so kind to share your ideas please? maybe a pic or two :0)

I have several ideas and wondered what "working" wise has worked out for you folks that use them. 3/4" plywood table top. Thinking of cutting a 36"x36" square out of one side and mounting lights under that side -- essentialy one half -- think 1/4" plate will span the 36" x 36" square cut out? Should I do this to both sides? What do you thinkis a safe opening for 1/4" plate to span and be safe? My 4x8 sheet of 1/4" plate will be here tommorow :thumb:

thank you greatly,


New Member
Built one years ago from 1x6 pine board, a plywood backer and a couple small under-cabinet fluorescent light fixtures wired together to a switch on the outside of the box. The top was 1/4" acrylic that I had sandblasted to a frost (could have used regular white but tried something different), and had the acrylic mounted flush to the top of the box using internal ribs along the inside of the box. The box itself was about 42" square and was more than stable enough. Your 36" square will be fine. Just mount the lights far enough away from the acrylic to avoid hot spots.


New Member
Thank you for the response:

use it like a light buffer? Direct light is no good? that would support the plate more also :0) thank you



New Member
(letterman7)Your post showed after I posted hehe -- thank you for the "hot spots" prolly two 36" flos under, switched. I'ld prolly line around the lights with a 1x6 pine flat black underneath too

thank you


Making America great, one sign at a time.
i have a massive one. holds six fluro lamps with a custom 2x4 frame. table is 60"x84" real glass spray painted with frosted glass. works too well. drop shadows fall right into place. everyshop should have at least one. (-;


New Member
I was thinking something along these lines -- lol colors are not correct :0) sizes are. I expanded it to 40" and threw a quickie together

Thank you,


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