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Anyone who knows me in real life knows that my family history is very important to me. I have been into genealogy since a very young age and I won't bore you with the details.
Anyway, Mom came up for Easter dinner yesterday and she had a CD with her. Mind you, she doesn't even know what a CD is. My dear aunt Agnes passed away last May, one day before her 90th birthday. I think I posted this link when it happened. Over the summer, her daughter scanned a lot of old family photos into her computer and made a slide show of her Mom's life.
My grandparents had 17 kids, 15 of which made it to adulthood. Too bad it wasn't 2009, because they would have had their own reality show. They were kind of famous in their day. My dad had a few yellowed newspaper articles showing the kids all lined up. Grandma Welsh passed away from a brain tumor when she was only 51, and I never got to know her. But there were some neat old pictures of her on the CD. By the time I was born, Grandad Welsh was mostly senile, so I never got to know him either. But there were a few interesting pictures of him as well. And childhood pix of my dad, who has been gone since a boating accident 1991.
They lived in a plain old farmhouse on 4 acres of land, which has been sold to a big church and all the buildings torn down. But Grandad was innovative. He built a box around the outside of a kitchen window which served as a makeshift fridge in the winter. When the family unexpectedly welcomed twins, one had to sleep in a dresser drawer until he could build another cradle.
The first pic is of my great-grandad, born in Liverpool. The second pic is of grandad, with him on the far right. This would have been about 1905. He looks incredibly like my Justis. There is a pic of their house, and a pic of some of the boys out by their barn. My dad is the baby. In the 4th pic Daddy is the one with his mouth open. He never did take a good photograph.
In the picture at the table, he is in the front. This is before all the kids were born, and looks to be at a birthday party with other friends present.
But they did all eat dinner every night at this huge table. And once Daddy got beat for throwing a piece of meat under the table to a dog, hitting his dad on the leg. Food was not to be wasted!
The lady in the car is Grandma Welsh, who by that time had already had 11 children.
The next group pic is of my mom and dad, about 1958, before their last two kids were born.
The soldier pic is of my uncle Bud, killed in the service when he was 18. I never met him but it's nice to see what he looked like.
The newspaper clipping is of Grandad and my cousin Jeanne, about 1966. By the time he passed away, I believe there were 99 grandchildren.
The last pic is of their house.
Sorry for boring anyone with this, but it sure excited me!
Anyway, Mom came up for Easter dinner yesterday and she had a CD with her. Mind you, she doesn't even know what a CD is. My dear aunt Agnes passed away last May, one day before her 90th birthday. I think I posted this link when it happened. Over the summer, her daughter scanned a lot of old family photos into her computer and made a slide show of her Mom's life.
My grandparents had 17 kids, 15 of which made it to adulthood. Too bad it wasn't 2009, because they would have had their own reality show. They were kind of famous in their day. My dad had a few yellowed newspaper articles showing the kids all lined up. Grandma Welsh passed away from a brain tumor when she was only 51, and I never got to know her. But there were some neat old pictures of her on the CD. By the time I was born, Grandad Welsh was mostly senile, so I never got to know him either. But there were a few interesting pictures of him as well. And childhood pix of my dad, who has been gone since a boating accident 1991.
They lived in a plain old farmhouse on 4 acres of land, which has been sold to a big church and all the buildings torn down. But Grandad was innovative. He built a box around the outside of a kitchen window which served as a makeshift fridge in the winter. When the family unexpectedly welcomed twins, one had to sleep in a dresser drawer until he could build another cradle.
The first pic is of my great-grandad, born in Liverpool. The second pic is of grandad, with him on the far right. This would have been about 1905. He looks incredibly like my Justis. There is a pic of their house, and a pic of some of the boys out by their barn. My dad is the baby. In the 4th pic Daddy is the one with his mouth open. He never did take a good photograph.
In the picture at the table, he is in the front. This is before all the kids were born, and looks to be at a birthday party with other friends present.
But they did all eat dinner every night at this huge table. And once Daddy got beat for throwing a piece of meat under the table to a dog, hitting his dad on the leg. Food was not to be wasted!
The lady in the car is Grandma Welsh, who by that time had already had 11 children.
The next group pic is of my mom and dad, about 1958, before their last two kids were born.
The soldier pic is of my uncle Bud, killed in the service when he was 18. I never met him but it's nice to see what he looked like.
The newspaper clipping is of Grandad and my cousin Jeanne, about 1966. By the time he passed away, I believe there were 99 grandchildren.
The last pic is of their house.
Sorry for boring anyone with this, but it sure excited me!
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