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Logo help, please!


New Member
The business is "2 Unique Birds" and they sell home furnishings. It's a mom and daughter owners. They wanted birds "kinda like partridge family birds" and retro colors. What do you think so far? I can't come up with a good font or a good way to fit in the "2". Any suggestions?


  • 2UniqueBirds_Logo.jpg
    51.3 KB · Views: 129

Kyle Blue

New Member
I like the top one the best. I would keep the number 2 in whatever you choose, otherwise people will start calling it Unique Birds. Maybe make the black bird on the top yellow.


New Member
I like top one with the #2 but with the bird colors you have in the second one. I think it has to have the 2 in the name.

Mike Paul

Super Active Member
Bottom left for me. The 2 is the same font on one line.
I don't like the large 2 on the others.


New Member
It *has* have the 2 in it. I just didn't know where or how to fit it in the drafts that don't have it. Looking for some help with that. Thanks!

Dan Antonelli

New Member
I think its a good start but perhaps not iconic enough and I think will ultimately suffer from distance legibility. Try with heavier strokes if possible and be sure to visualize the implementation.


New Member
heres a try. its even less iconic, but boutique. substitue your own birds


  • birds.jpg
    142.1 KB · Views: 84


New Member
Some good suggestions, guys! The response from the customer was this: "I like the birds being on top and the font you used twice i think it was the second one....but want maybe brighter classy colors. Maybe fatter birds and have maybe one perched on a couch and the other holding up/carrying the 2?"

Back to the drawing board! I'll post revisions later. Thank you!