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Suggestions Looking for low cost preflight software


New Member
A regular client keeps sending final files in RGB without crop marks and it's causing a problem.

Is there a good, reasonably priced/low cost software package out there for preflight where I can convert RGB to CMYK, add crop marks, and see overall resolution of images?
I know Adobe Acrobat has some capability but I've never been able to get it to work correctly.
I'm not a graphic designer by trade and usually have to farm these "fixes" out to someone else. I'd rather bring this in house if there's a quick way to fix these files.

Thanks! Any help is appreciated.


Dammit, make it faster!!
A regular client keeps sending final files in RGB without crop marks and it's causing a problem.

Is there a good, reasonably priced/low cost software package out there for preflight where I can convert RGB to CMYK, add crop marks, and see overall resolution of images?
I know Adobe Acrobat has some capability but I've never been able to get it to work correctly.
I'm not a graphic designer by trade and usually have to farm these "fixes" out to someone else. I'd rather bring this in house if there's a quick way to fix these files.

Thanks! Any help is appreciated.
Are the files always pdf? Might try Inkscape (free). that can do crop marks. Don't know about converting the colors though. We print both CMYK and RGB without any problems.


Active Member
I would probably check out Scribus (open source alternative to InDesign).

SVG, which is the master file format for Inkscape, is designed more for the web compared to print. As such, even Inkscape is not all that on par for printing, especially when it comes to the wonderful world of color.


New Member
If you have Acrobat there so you can try with Pitstop Pro, it's an Acrobat plug-in and 30 days trial version is ready.

Are the files always pdf? Might try Inkscape (free). that can do crop marks. Don't know about converting the colors though. We print both CMYK and RGB without any problems.

I would probably check out Scribus (open source alternative to InDesign).

SVG, which is the master file format for Inkscape, is designed more for the web compared to print. As such, even Inkscape is not all that on par for printing, especially when it comes to the wonderful world of color.

Thank you all for your feedback. I'm going to check into Pitstop Pro (it looks pretty reasonably priced for a paid product), Inkscape, and Scribus.