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MikaChip emulators... can anyone help me here?

Forty One

New Member
I've just purchased the ink emulator chips for my UJF 7151 plus and I'm having issues loading it to work correctly.
I've been emailing the supplier and to the best of their abilities, they are trying to help work this.
But... I'm still coming up short.
Is anyone using this particular chip and running LH100 inks. 1 litre bottles?

If so, can you message me and send me any ink profile to test?


Man who touches printers inappropriately.
LH100 still uses the old-style chips, so they should be super easy to emulate. You can also reset the chips with about $10 in hardware and free software if you want to go that route.


Man who touches printers inappropriately.
Have a picture of the emulator and can you see what chip it is based on? Might be able to figure out how to program it from there. Seems the LFP guys don't have their engineer anymore, so lots of complaints on getting those to work as of late.

Forty One

New Member
The actual chip has been blacked out.
But, it is the ds2431 chip.
The software loads up the files and stored it on there, and I can check it after to confirm but when I load it into the printer it keeps coming up with the non IC error