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Mimaki JV33 yellow ink channel problem


New Member
I have installed a new head and seem to be having an issue with just one of the yellow channels, all others are firing fine, when I perform a head clean and the nozzles fire the channel I am having an issue with fires for just a second as I can see ink jets coming down but then stops whilst all others continue.

I have changed the damper and opened ink channels and pulled ink through slowly with a syringe, is there anything else I can try?


JV33-160 + FC8600-160
Did you try switching that yellow damper with another color? If you do a test print with the colors swapped, and you still aren't seeing yellow, it's likely a problem with the lines or that damper. If the yellow prints normally now in that new position, but you're not seeing the color you swapped it with, it's likely a head issue. From what I understand anyway... Not a solution to your problem, but a way to narrow down the source of the issue a little better. Good luck!