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Moving mutoh valuejet 1614

John Butto

New Member
have move a several printers but not a long distance, maybe 5 miles at most but with masking tape on head to secure it so as not to move and being very careful to not tip off level and every time it was fine when started back up, even left cartridges in, good luck


New Member
Thanks John. You're pic may seem exaggerated as it's only coming out the second story window... but I know it'll feel the same. It did when it went up.


New Member
If it is not going over the road a long distance, there should be no real need to purge.
Clean the capping station and the stainless rim around the head and wet it all with cleaning solution to ensure a good seal. If you have the headlock that shipped with the machine you can lock the head in place. If not, carefully foam and tape the head so that it stays on the capping station.

Personally, I would take the carts out while taking it out of the second story and put them back in when it is down. You dont want them out for 48 hours, you could dry the ink in the needles, or worse.

I would want to plug it in as soon as possible, clean and nozzle check.

If it is actually going on the road for more than an hour or so, purging is recommended.


New Member

seriously? you dont know them?

Yes, those guys just kick it out the window though.

Thanks Randy. Searched and couldn't find anything. It's not going very far. I would have missed the cartridge being out as being a potentially big problem.

So... it's out, down, in, drive.

Those of you who need to bring a printer through a second story window might reconsider alternate placement.


New Member
I just moved a 1204 from NJ to NH. Cleaned capping station and head. Then locked the head with locking clip. Kept the ink cartridges in it. 6 hour drive and no problems.