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mutoh 1641sr pro spit box will not drain


New Member
Hey guys I heard some gurgling during a cleaning cycle and have noticed that the rectangular black box (I believe spitting box) is full of ink and has overflowed inside printer. The large clear tube coming from it has no fluid in it. I removed the tube from the black box and the box started to drain. I also noticed that the two small tubes going to what I assume is a pump appear to have waste ink in them. Is this likely to be a clogged waste line (the larger one)? Anyone else had these issues? My warranty has ran out on 5-22-24! Will update with pics in a mintue


New Member

Joe House

Sign Equipment Technician
It's not uncommon for those tubes to get clogged. (It's hard not to put a reference to Drain-o in here) Usually you can get the clogs out with a narrow tool (a long Phillips head screwdriver is what I usually start with) to first get a path through the clog, then work it with some cleaning fluid and maybe swabs - depends on what you have on hand. You should be able to get everything out of there.
To prevent this, run some cleaning fluid through this line monthly and make sure that there are no sag points where ink can sit and dry out.

Good Luck


New Member
It's not uncommon for those tubes to get clogged. (It's hard not to put a reference to Drain-o in here) Usually you can get the clogs out with a narrow tool (a long Phillips head screwdriver is what I usually start with) to first get a path through the clog, then work it with some cleaning fluid and maybe swabs - depends on what you have on hand. You should be able to get everything out of there.
To prevent this, run some cleaning fluid through this line monthly and make sure that there are no sag points where ink can sit and dry out.

Good Luck
That was it... The larger tube was clogged, cleaned it out and the spitting box still would not drain. I removed the large tube from the fitting on bottom of printer and it was clogged there as well not allowing it to get air to it to drain. Got it straight. Thanks!


New Member
1641 Maintenance.jpg

Much more common is a clog in the drain manifold, which is the black plastic assembly where the drains converge. Regular flushing is essential. The latest 1641's are performing an auto flush every 3 hours