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Mutoh Color Issues


New Member
I'm having a problem getting the correct colors to print on my Mutoh 1304 Valuejet printer. When I run a print head test, I'm only getting one blue graph. Any suggestions? I've been tinkering with it all day, with no positive results. Thank you.


Quit buggin' me
One blue bar does not sound good.
Lets see that nozzle check, post a photo of it if you can.
Along with more information on the condition of your printer.
How long you have had it?
Is this situation new, or have you never been able to get good color?
What software are you running it with?
What are you printing on?
Is it a new material that you have not printed before?
Have you been keeping the head and maintenance station clean?
Change out any parts recently?
Anything else you can think of will help to get you answers sooner.

wayne k
guam usa