The Signs101 Moderating Team handles reported posts as best we can.
We appreciate your report(s) because obviously sometimes there are posts which slip through; it's virtually impossible for our small moderating team to read each and every single post posted to the forum. But when there's a policy violation --
especially as concerns regular tier members surpassing/subverting the MM advert policy, undercutting our Merchant Members -- we strive to remedy the situation immediately. And when an Admin/Moderator fails to see a post violation - we count on community members to report them to us.
VanderJ - We'd obviously appreciate your continued support of Signs101 through your upgraded membership.
So keep this in mind when/if you decided to renew your upgraded membership - especially if you're considering accepting Francis' challenge.
Thanks for your recent upgrade and support of Signs101. We appreciate it.
And ha. Interesting challenge as far as the ol' colloquialism
"put your money where your mouth is" LOL.
You may have noticed that we've implemented an upgraded posting policy.
More than ever - the Signs101 Staff is striving to enforce the policy as fairly across the board as we can.
There have been some early successes seen. So we're quite optimistic about the forum's future as concerns even-keeled, unambiguous and fair moderation.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.