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Mysterious Blemish on Acrylic Sign


New Member

I've just had an order for my first wall-mounted acrylic sign with stand-offs.
I've reverse UV printed onto clear vinyl CMYK plus white, then wet applied that to the reverse side of the pre-cut acrylic sheet.
At first, everything looked great but, after trimming the overhang from the vinyl, I noticed this blotch / bloom.
Any ideas as to what might be causing this, and how to solve the issue, would be greatly appreciated.

Have a great weekend.



Pixel Pusher
Edit, didnt see the blemish you were talking about, was before my coffee. I thought your blemish was the light grey on the white N and the bar below.
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Johnny Best

Active Member
when doing second surface work with clear acrylic you have tocompletly clean it and look for any blimishes.
that looks like a backing paper or thin plastic wrap cloudiness. a very light compound will take that out with a follow up with glass cleaner.

White Haus

Not a Newbie
What did you use for application fluid?
What kind of clear vinyl did you use and is it solvent or water based adhesive?

Do you have the option to mount with a laminator? This will eliminate the liquid stains and most issues related to wet-mounting to acrylic/glass. Takes a LONG time for the edges to completely dry out and bond.


New Member
Thanks for your responses. After 72 hours the blemish has gone. To confirm. this wasn't a print issue - it was something to do with the vinyl in contact with the acrylic and, the adhesive having had time to cure, the blemish has disappeared. When wet applying I used water with a few drops of washing up liquid (dish soap) and applied by hand. I do have an application table but the sign is small and I was concerned about applying pressure evenly. The clear vinyl has an acrylic adhesive.