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Nasdar SS21 ink

croydon signs

New Member
I have a JV33 130 Mimaki printer,and have issues with the yellow ink coming through. This has been happening for a number of years and dispite several head change's etc., yellow is always weak. I have been using Nasdar SS21 ink and was told by Q.P.S. engineer to use Color Magic ink. This made things worse. I have now reverted to Nasder ink again after being told off by Chris of Q.P.S (unbelievable). Both yellow print heads are now blocked. Is there anyone who has had a similar problem / has any one got an answer to this, apart from buying a new machine.




Man who touches printers inappropriately.
When changing inks, it is best practice to FULLY flush the lines, dampers and cap in case there is chemical incompatibility. Some inks react and solidify or form solid precipitates that will clog stuff up pretty bad. If you do swap ink and don't want to flush the lines, make sure it's stated and tested to be chemically compatible with the ink in your system currently. Think is probably fine, it was likely just incompatible with what was in the system already.

Put flush cartridges in ASAP and start draining the ink out of the lines/dampers first. Use a syringe to pull out the ink (pull from ink port, not push), toss your dampers and get new ones and give the head a soak in the capping station. At absolute worse, you'll need new ink system parts and a head. If the printer is scrap is up to your discretion/patience/budget.

croydon signs

New Member
When changing inks, it is best practice to FULLY flush the lines, dampers and cap in case there is chemical incompatibility. Some inks react and solidify or form solid precipitates that will clog stuff up pretty bad. If you do swap ink and don't want to flush the lines, make sure it's stated and tested to be chemically compatible with the ink in your system currently. Think is probably fine, it was likely just incompatible with what was in the system already.

Put flush cartridges in ASAP and start draining the ink out of the lines/dampers first. Use a syringe to pull out the ink (pull from ink port, not push), toss your dampers and get new ones and give the head a soak in the capping station. At absolute worse, you'll need new ink system parts and a head. If the printer is scrap is up to your discretion/patience/budget.
I have done most the of the of things that you have said, Had three engineers over , I have changed cap and dampers, engineer did not have ether. I was instructed by Q. P. S. to switch to Color Magic inks both said it was compatible . Think it is to long and to late, shame that most companies today are only interested in a fast buck !