New Member
We're in desperate need of a Mutoh Valuejet 1304 repair wizard. You don't need to be "certified" by Mutoh, but you do need to be experienced with working on them, repairing them, diagnosing them, etc. If you are certified, even better!!! MUST HAVE EXPERIENCE WITH THE 1304!!!
If you know of a rockstar technician or if you are one yourself - please send a PM for more information about the nature of our problem, compensation, etc. We'd like to get someone out ASAP - tomorrow, this weekend, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
We've recently dumped $3K into the printer (new dampers, new print head, new service/capping station) and paid the local Mutoh Certified Technician to do all the repairs/diagnosis, only to have the problem still prevail! We're DONE paying the "certified" guy because he obviously doesn't know what he's doing (besides robbing us blind).
If you know of a rockstar technician or if you are one yourself - please send a PM for more information about the nature of our problem, compensation, etc. We'd like to get someone out ASAP - tomorrow, this weekend, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
We've recently dumped $3K into the printer (new dampers, new print head, new service/capping station) and paid the local Mutoh Certified Technician to do all the repairs/diagnosis, only to have the problem still prevail! We're DONE paying the "certified" guy because he obviously doesn't know what he's doing (besides robbing us blind).