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Font Needed Need to match this, no file exists


New Member
Need help identifying the main font, customer had one of the sides damaged in a wind storm and they don't have any logo files at all.


  • Corner Store pole sign.jpg
    Corner Store pole sign.jpg
    280.1 KB · Views: 345
  • Corner Store wall sign.jpg
    Corner Store wall sign.jpg
    93.7 KB · Views: 342


Go Bills!
I saw this pic and thought that can't be NT....

Those two stores are a throwback in time for sure, the liquor store is always locked with a buzzer that rings to the store and they walk over and let you in.

sorry can't help with the font


New Member
I saw this pic and thought that can't be NT....

Those two stores are a throwback in time for sure, the liquor store is always locked with a buzzer that rings to the store and they walk over and let you in.

sorry can't help with the font

Hahaha small world I guess!


New Member
That's definitely not a font. It was drawn by hand, by someone not exceptionally experienced in designing letters.

I would guess that the lowercase was based on something like Century Book Condensed, and the capitals were an invention of the designer. It's very unusual to see ball terminals on an uppercase C and S, and the curved stem of the T is something you would virtually never see in a regular serif font.

I would suggest either you find a way to precisely trace the old signs, if the client wants to retain the amateur/rustic/hand-drawn look, or find a type designer to redraw it with some improvements and updates to make it look a bit more well-drawn.


New Member
That's definitely not a font. It was drawn by hand, by someone not exceptionally experienced in designing letters.

I would guess that the lowercase was based on something like Century Book Condensed, and the capitals were an invention of the designer. It's very unusual to see ball terminals on an uppercase C and S, and the curved stem of the T is something you would virtually never see in a regular serif font.

I would suggest either you find a way to precisely trace the old signs, if the client wants to retain the amateur/rustic/hand-drawn look, or find a type designer to redraw it with some improvements and updates to make it look a bit more well-drawn.

That was my thought on it as well, but it was worth a shot posting here. I have to match the other side since only one side was damaged.


Premium Subscriber
Perhaps, if you got a straight on snapshot of the main sign, you could easily duplicate that style. Looks to me, that was a pan-face, but the letters are vacuum formed in addition. Will you need to do all of that, also ?? That could get expensive, unless you find one of those old shops that are setup to do these by the 100's. In fact, that was a regular type style of some of those vacuum house sign shops back in the day.


New Member
Perhaps, if you got a straight on snapshot of the main sign, you could easily duplicate that style. Looks to me, that was a pan-face, but the letters are vacuum formed in addition. Will you need to do all of that, also ?? That could get expensive, unless you find one of those old shops that are setup to do these by the 100's. In fact, that was a regular type style of some of those vacuum house sign shops back in the day.

Yep, pan face with embossed letters. And yes, it's not cheap.


Premium Subscriber
That's what kinda gives it away, that it was hand created. Most likely the one on the wall was hand cut, while the other one was built using wood or whatever they use in their shop to create the 3D effect. Besides, the size restrictions on the electric sign seem to dictate that some changes had to be made.


Go Bills!
i don't think they were supposed to be different, i think the artist took artistic license...aka they were bad


New Member
Yeah what's weird is this business used to be a franchise of sorts here locally (not as much any more). But if you look at pictures of the signs at different locations, there's varying forms of the logo used.