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New customer...New Direction...Fun and therapy....


Active Member
New customer wanted some new signs for His Christmas Tree Farm. I opted to hand paint this 2' x 8' for fun and staying in shape with the brushes.
The substrate is 3mm Satin Alupanel®. The paint of choice is 1-Shot Lettering Enamel. The only customer requirements for the sign were the verbiage, approx. sq. ft. size and the Crown. All colors with the exception of Black and Purple were mixed (doctored) for coverage and/or tone. Fonts of choice on this one are from A&S Signfonts... "Christmas Script" and "Bone Casual".



For those interested in the steps....
1. The tree silhouette pattern was painted first with a 1" "Truck-Flat" brush. The bottom edge of the trees were taped for a stop point of the Yellow panel.
2. Tape pulled and Yellow panel laid in ...again with the 1" Truck-Flat.
3. Fill colors for the crown were added using a #7 "Quill" brush.
4. After those colors had dried, the Red and Blue copy was lettered with a Quills #7 and #5.
5. Shadow painted with 2 separate colors ( mixed for desired tones) with #5 Quill
6. Black outlines added with Quills ...#3 on the crown. The outline on the Red copy was done with an old #8 that I have used for about 20+ years and gradually trimmed down over time for longer life and new uses.


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Premium Subscriber
Great to see S'Rex.

Not being funny, but about how many hours do you have in it from making patterns, pouncing, painting, mixing, cleaning and waiting for things to dry ?? Give people a real view/idea of how it used to be done and why it's so worthwhile.
