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New S3 Question

Engstrom Graphics

Got my brand new S3 running (finally and thanks to many of you for helping!). I am getting some drag cuts across some of my prints - anyone know how to prevent this? They are not deep - but the knife is dragging and making small marks in my print. Using tangential cut/blade. (See pic - marks across the letters are visible).

It’s like the knife isn’t lifting high enough when carriage is moving to different spots.

Secondly - is there an option in GoSign to automatically make 2 kisscut passes on the same file? Right now I feed the sheet - it cuts it once, then I refeed and cut it again (really thick lam).

Thank you!


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New Member
Got my brand new S3 running (finally and thanks to many of you for helping!). I am getting some drag cuts across some of my prints - anyone know how to prevent this? They are not deep - but the knife is dragging and making small marks in my print. Using tangential cut/blade. (See pic - marks across the letters are visible).
In addition to checking the blade exposition as you were advised, try using the black NOSE PIECE, normally it should be used with the 60° (and 45°) knife but it can also be used with the 36°. It allows you to keep the blade higher when moving
Secondly - is there an option in GoSign to automatically make 2 kisscut passes on the same file? Right now I feed the sheet - it cuts it once, then I refeed and cut it again (really thick lam).
on the plotter go to Settings -> Multipass and enter the number of passes you want to cut with. Pat attention: this setting works on all types of cutting: kiss-cut, thru-cut and even pen tool.

Engstrom Graphics

Your blade is exposed too much or the material is buckling while moving back and forth.
I will check the blade - thank you!

As far as material buckling - it seems the vacuum is much less on this Summa compared to my roland printer. I use a lot of smaller sheets (30" width by let's say 26" in length) and it's thicker material/lam - so would making the material longer in length add more weight and thus prevent the buckling more?

Thank you!

Engstrom Graphics

In addition to checking the blade exposition as you were advised, try using the black NOSE PIECE, normally it should be used with the 60° (and 45°) knife but it can also be used with the 36°. It allows you to keep the blade higher when moving

on the plotter go to Settings -> Multipass and enter the number of passes you want to cut with. Pat attention: this setting works on all types of cutting: kiss-cut, thru-cut and even pen tool.
I will check for the black nose piece - the default one is silver, correct? I will have to look - thanks!

And I will check the plotter settings compared to looking in GoSign - thanks!


Premium Subscriber
Using the black nose piece should help, and set cutter to the slowest speed you can tolerate. If you are cutting thicker lams on the regular I would highly suggest adding another pinch roller, Summa calls it a "media select kit" for some reason. It will pay for itself within a year.
I have wondered if the extra summa s2 pinch rollers are compatible. They look exactly the same, only the color difference. I have a broken down s2 machine just sitting with extra pinch rollers, i have considered swapping them into the s3


Sales Manager
Hi All,

Just wanted to point out that while the pinch rollers are the same between the S2 & S3 cutters, the media select kits are different and are not cross compatible between the two models. The part number for the S3 media select kit is 395-682 and the cost is $417. The part number for the S2 media select kit is 395-426 and the cost is $375. We(Airmark) have both of these kits in stock if anyone needs them. The part number for the pinch rollers, which are sold in a pair, is $124 and the part number is 395-401.

Feel free to contact me if anyone has any questions.

Best regards,

Phil Johnson
Airmark Corporation
(800)527-7778, ext. 112