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Newbie alert!


New Member
I am a newbie in every form of its definition when it comes to the art of graphic design and sign making. The only experience I have is some self-taught skills in Photoshop and Illustrator. I've always wanted to go into business for myself and have recently become really interested in sign making. I have a TON to learn and many skills that I need to develop before I can open up the doors to my in-home shop to its first customer. So, where do I begin to learn the best practices for sign layout/design? Lately I've been watching a ton of tutorials and getting some practice in on my software. What specifically should I be doing to help me as it relates to the sign business?

Thanks so much for your time!


New Member
Jim Hingst Vinyl Sign Techniques

Mike Steven's Mastering Layout

order a subscription of signcraft (many members here are in it with very helpful articles

Dan Antonelli's Logo Design 1 & 2 I'm sure you'll see a lot of his amazing work here on the forum.

signweb.com also has useful info

that should help some, also the search feature is useful.

welcome to :signs101:



New Member
Maybe go work for a real sign company for a few years, then you can open up that home based business.

Or you can pay me a large sum of money and I will teach you everything you need to know to making signs, LOL

Red Ball

Seasoned Citizen
This profession is alot like working cattle.
Long hours, short pay and ya gotta deal with a lot of A@#$%^&.

Other than that I wouldn't trade it for nuthin'.

Slapkiss and Chicago have stated good advice.

Welcome from the Kingdom of Texas!


New Member
Welcome to the forums from PA.....

You would be best off to work for a sign shop for a few years to learn!