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Wood Pirate

New Member
I'm trying to make some extra bucks to keep a new business afloat during the first year. So I'm using all my past knowledge of everything I know and everything I can beg, steal, or borrow. As I have had poor luck on my first post here, off to a bad start so to speak. I'd like to get some input on this simple plan. A neighbor has offered me a chance to make beer crates for them but they have to be different, than the other 40 blokes that are banging on their door. So I have come up with an idea, it's a 4 pack of the larger type like 1 and 1/2 regular beer size. The have an Ocean type name so I've decided to use a buoy logo on the wide neck part of the wooden crate and plan to install an led light with a battery so if you go to campsite you can find your beer. There are 4 sides on this beer crate, (Amazing EH?) So the beer company get's the logo on the normal most used sides and I sell the 2 other sides to local take out, taxi companies, etc... (Going to call it a 4 Bouy) Anyway, as I do other projects with, recycled wood pallets and other scrap wood, I make things like coke crates that look old and other antique looking boxes, as well as furniture that nobody likes, I re-purpose and keep this crap out of the landfill. I've bought the plan from ebay to build a DIY DTG printer, I hope they work. Meanwhile I have been taking photo's etc... reverse and using glue to apply images to wood, looks good but pain in the @$$, I've used other methods also to transfer images like pealing stickers off a full page of label paper and using my inkjet printer to print a page and put direct to sanded wood with good results, but a pain in the, you know. Ya, there is also a question, if I get the beer crate contract can I use the DIY printer to make T-shirts and print on wood? The ink just has to be legible as I will be spraying it with water base clear coat after it dries. The only other concern is cost of the different inks if I need them or if I don't and things I can't foresee... I hope I've posted enough info for you to give me proper advice and would also like to mention, for those of you that have read my past posts, I did not use glue, I used brass, screws... Thanks for your input, be it positive or negative, but if it's negative at least tell me why, so I can hunt you down and thank you for helping me help myself. Big Hug for all!!!

Fred Weiss

Merchant Member
If I were you, I would not invest in a DIY DTG printer, nor would I attempt to print on a desktop inkjet. The reasons are as follows:

DTG is fine for T-shirts but isn't going to give acceptable results on wood. If anything, look at getting an entry level laser and burn your images into the wood. No color but much more appealing for the product IMO. If you decide to stay with color, then outsource your labels and garments to someone with the right equipment and experience to give you professional solutions. There are lots of wholesale jobbers for what you need.