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Normal test print ?

Explode Media

New Member
Hi everyone !
I'm new to the business and just bought a Roland VSi540 (or VS-540i)
the printer is used but still under original 2 years warranty (which finish in december)

when the technician came, he didn't showed me that test print but showed me an other one.
The printing is really good, amazing... but the test print look like this.

Is it acceptable ? (the printer have less than two year) is it big enought to be warranty ?



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New Member
I would check the calibration... The band across the middle looks like the passes are too close. Easy adjustment. The blue has a couple of clogged nozzles. On the first the red has one. Are you doing proper manual cleanings? I am not sure about the black smudges, but I assume a manual clean is needed. A head soak should fix the clogs..

All in all, to me, you are good if the above work.


Explode Media

New Member
yes, i did that manual cleaning. i just received the printer less than a month ago.

yes, i'm pretty sur i do the manual cleaning properly. (i'm using exactly the same video to do it :) )
I did it tree time so far, but the technician said it was too often for how i use it.
how do i do to remove the clogg ? (on the video it say to not touch the surface of the head while cleaning)
for the black strip they said it might be the cap top and sent me a new one.

an other of my finding is that the head look like this (like dented or i don't know)

again, when i print, it show up good (to me) it doesn't bother me that much, but I would prefer to make sure everything is fine before warranty expire

thanks for the infos :)



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