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Old School Newbie Needs some HELP


New Member
Hi Guys,
I feel we're all kindred spirits here, so I will get to the nuts and bolts.
I've got an old friend that is part of an up-and-coming band. They are primarily classic rock. They like to throw in some country, christian, and blues, but they always come back to the basics of rock and roll.
They are called "Mudd River Union". I've tried about 30 different variations of MRU. I would like to see the M and the R placed semetrically, and then incorporate the U between them. I think something in the line of angel wings would be appropriate, but I am open to anything. Please, don't hold back.
I have some rough sketches, but I don't have the intelligence to put it into the forum. I know you guys are like sharks, hungry and waiting for a tasty challenge.
This is for a friend who has probably given up hope in me. Please Help. I know I'm new to the forum, but I've seen what you guys can do when you come together. Thanks.


New Member
variations of....
logo - banner - sign - shirt - vehicle lettering
What are you looking for?

Do you have a link to their tunes?