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one way mirror... material. Does it exist?


New Member
Just out of curiosity, friend of mine is opening a bar (for which I'm doing ALL of the signage for) and wants to convert existing mirrors into one-ways.
Shy of the perforated materials currently offered (already suggested that), is there a film that can be applied to get the 1-way effect? How do they make 1-way glass anyways? I always assumed it couldn't be any different than tinting windows, but then again, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not even close in the comparison.
Anyone know?


Quit buggin' me
Most any dark, medium or reflective film will be "one way" as long as the area behind the windows is darker than the area outside. Thats why on the tv cop shows they are always standing in the dark behind the "one way glass".

wayne k
guam usa


New Member
All the glass will have to be replaced. The mirrors he currently has are most likely
fully opaqued in the silver backing (has to be or it wouldn't be reflective)

Your local glass company will cut and supply what is needed to replace what is there
now. Let them do the job. They are the experts.