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Onyx 22.5 Problems


New Member
Has anyone been having issued with Onyx 22.5 the past couple weeks? Rip has been very slow and a couple of files have gotten "stuck" after sending them to print. Onyx themself had to reinstall the software once already and its doing it again. We are running a Colorado 1650, one tech said he's never seen this happen another said its a known issue with that printer.



I'm here for Educational Purposes
are you using cut marks on these jobs? I just noticed there is an update 22.5.1, and in the release notes it mentions the canon colorado - mostly regarding AAC marks. They also fixed something in the media manager causing crashes with color devices. Not sure if this will help or not. Here are the parts of the release I'm referring to

Margin size is correct with both left and right justification when using Canon Colorado with AAC marks. (This is related to a driver update as well, so be sure to update to the latest driver.)
Media Manager
o Crashes with Color Devices have been resolved:
• X-Rite i1Pro 3, X-Rite i1Pro 2, Nix 2, on USB

Christian @ 2CT Media

Active Member
You need to ensure your 1650 is on the newest firmware; there was an issue with the firmware one and two generations ago in 22.5. Contact your Canon service provider because it isn't a user-serviceable item.

Patrick Farrell

New Member
There have been several times in the past few weeks when I haven't even been able to get editor or rip-queue to even load properly. "Not enough licenses" We have only 2 users. We both have our own licenses for our individual machines. No one else has access to it. At all. No big surprise ONYX support hasn't been any help. They keep telling me to check my licenses, like they don't even read the emails or replies. Just straight script.


Problem Solver
There have been several times in the past few weeks when I haven't even been able to get editor or rip-queue to even load properly. "Not enough licenses" We have only 2 users. We both have our own licenses for our individual machines. No one else has access to it. At all. No big surprise ONYX support hasn't been any help. They keep telling me to check my licenses, like they don't even read the emails or replies. Just straight script.
If it crashes or you have shut it down forcefully, it sometimes takes a few minutes to free up the license.
Which there's nothing you can do about. Just don't try constantly opening it, give it 5 minutes to chill.
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Patrick Farrell

New Member
If it crashes or you have shut it down forcefully, it sometimes takes a few minutes to free up the license.
Which there's nothing you can do about. Just don't try constantly opening it, give it 5 minutes to chill.
Of that I am aware haha. And it usually takes hours for me. Or a server reboot which everyone absolutely loves


New Member
If you have a software license (not a dongle), try deactivating the license and reactivating it again. It will release some unwanted license related action causing all Onyx software to run in slow mode. (Remember to copy the license key!)


New Member
Has anyone been having issued with Onyx 22.5 the past couple weeks? Rip has been very slow and a couple of files have gotten "stuck" after sending them to print. Onyx themself had to reinstall the software once already and its doing it again. We are running a Colorado 1650, one tech said he's never seen this happen another said its a known issue with that printer.

Try to clear out your Active and Inactive queues of unnecessary ripped files. If you have files that are ripped and you would like to keep them, you can use Archive to store those files outside of RIPQueue and simply bring them back in when you need them. I have seen queues with months worth of files and caused the RIPQueue to run slowly. I have also seen where RIPQueue will run slowly because the RIP computer has not been restarted in a very long time. Unless you are running a job overnight, I would suggest shutting down that computer before you leave for the day and restarting it in the morning when you get back into the office. Another suggestion is to ensure you are using the latest available printer drivers. Since printer manufacturers update firmware rather frequently, ONYX works hard to make sure we have printer drivers that coincide with their firmware release. This can be found in the File>Manage Printers.



New Member
There have been several times in the past few weeks when I haven't even been able to get editor or rip-queue to even load properly. "Not enough licenses" We have only 2 users. We both have our own licenses for our individual machines. No one else has access to it. At all. No big surprise ONYX support hasn't been any help. They keep telling me to check my licenses, like they don't even read the emails or replies. Just straight script.
Patrick - what RIPQueue are you using? Thrive? Go? I would assume Thrive since you also mentioned later you have a server. If so, there are two separate programs that look very similar. One is the License Manager and the other is the Network License Manager. The License Manager controls the license for the local machine you are working on. The Network License Manager controls the broadcast of that license key across your local network. Check both workstation's License Manager to ensure they are connected to the Network License Manager. If for some reason you would need to install the Network License Manager to "Fix", it is the initial installation with your Thrive installer. Be sure to disconnect your license key on each workstation before you deactivate your key in the Network License Manager. The Thrive Installer will install the Network License manager, ask you to activate a key - paste your key number in Network License Manager, then it will ask if you would like to install the rest of Thrive. You can simply select "No" and it will only install the Network License Manager. Then you would need connect the Workstations to the Network License Manager. What ever you do, do not uninstall the Network License Manager.
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