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New Member
I'm in the process of building out an install of Onyx Go+ 24. It has a lot of features I've not yet uncovered, but it seems quite capable. For example, on jobs larger than the selected material, it automatically tiles it and after printing each tile, it moves the head out of the way and prompts for the next print which is nice.

When we print on clear acrylic, we print white for opacity, however our clients don't like seeing the white, so we print the same art again, making it visible from both sides. In Rasterlink, we can composite multiple files into print layers. It shows that it will need to be multiple passes, and it will run the first pass, then pause since we need to move the UV light position for printing back-to-front. Sometimes, the second CMYK layer is a different file so we can mirror text or have different content on the back. Can we get Onyx to handle this without having two separate jobs that the operator needs to correctly execute? I'm trying to simplify the process on the operator end of things.


Can we get Onyx to handle this without having two separate jobs that the operator needs to correctly execute? I'm trying to simplify the process on the operator end of things.
Not an answer to the question, but might be a viable solution. Could you print just black as your back side visible layer? This would take the complications out for the operator's sake, to a degree, but I'm sure you'll then run into clients who don't like seeing the black...
Maybe someone with this version of onyx will chime in.


New Member
We do a lot of stir sticks and definitely want those double sided, so color-white-color works best. Beyond that, our clients don't really understand the need for white to make it opaque, so think if we're printing color on the back, it should be visible on the back too. It's primarily stuff for high end weddings and events so the willingness to pay for it is there. I'm just looking for ways to simplify the process. Right now, I have to output two files from Illustrator and merge them back together in Rasterlink. Onyx will let me use a spot color as white and keep the white in the same file, so that helps. But we've also started printing solid floods of color on the back to give the effect of a custom color acrylic. So that means color-white-color on the back and then color-white on the front for the content. That requires even more files output and reassembled, and the need to flip the material. Ultimately, my intention is to be able to print things on both sides of clear acrylic that align with each other, which was something our old vendors would never do.


It’s all about your print!
Yes onyx can do this, but it is driver specific. I would ask onyx to confirm that this would work with that particular machine.
I would also make sure ONYX GO can do it, because it might only be Thrive.