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Need Help Onyx RIP - Summacut problem

Stian Mosfjeld

New Member

I have a Onyx RIP with Canon Colorado 1650 and Summacut D140 FX connected. When i print big label jobs and want the cutter to cut the entire roll automatic it stops after the first job/run. When the first run is finnished it starts searching for the next job, but stops after reading the barcode and Summa Cut control software tells me that it count too few "lines" in the barcode. I have also a Caldera RIP with HP Latex and the same Summacut machine and this setup is running perfect.

Synkron Media

Stian Mosfjeld

New Member
If you mean Onyx cutserver, that is what i´m using. My cutfiles goes from RIP to Onyx cutserver and then to Summa cutcontrol. Is it possible to cut directly from cutserver(onyx)?