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Onyx Rip


New Member
I have an issue when printing to our Arizona Series flatbed. Whenever I send a document over, it shifts it to the right approximately .4 inches. I cannot for the life of me figure out why. The document is centered in the sheet. It has to be something with the rip software and the page size, but I'm lost. I've used other rip software for various printers and never run into an issue so pronounced as this that I couldn't figure out.


New Member

Crown Connect

New Member
I have an issue when printing to our Arizona Series flatbed. Whenever I send a document over, it shifts it to the right approximately .4 inches. I cannot for the life of me figure out why. The document is centered in the sheet. It has to be something with the rip software and the page size, but I'm lost. I've used other rip software for various printers and never run into an issue so pronounced as this that I couldn't figure out.
I had an Issue similar to this with my R2000. If I used Onyx to justify the position and then Send it to the press, the press would then not be centered by about the same .25"-.5". I have to justify it to the top left in onyx and move it manually on the R2000. so try playing with your justification settings or see if you have a sheet margin in your press settings. Other than that maybe it's in your file? but if its doing it to multiple jobs I'm sure its not that


New Member
Anyone have any idea why my page size is adding a bleed of .06" to all of my pages. I tried adjusting my hotfolders and now I'm afraid I really messed something up.